Quantum dreams and spaces - networked outreach concept for the application potential of quantum technologies
The aim of Q-tRaum is to create networked spaces, online and on site, that enable people to find out about quantum technologies, exchange ideas with each other and with experts and think about applications together.
Dr. Lorenz Kampschulte
German Museum Munich
Exhibits (Museum), Science Communication
Project Partners
Mannheim / Germany
Mannheim / Germany
Deutsches Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik
München / Germany
PhotonLab des Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
München / Germany
Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI)
Karlsruhe / Germany
Karlsruhe / Germany
PushQuantum e. V.
München / Germany
München / Germany
Münchner Zentrum für Quantenwissenschaften und -technologie (assoziiert)
IQM Quantum Computers (assoziiert)
Munich Quantum Valley (assoziiert)